Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Aubree is 8 weeks

What a crazy week... but then, I guess every week is crazy these days.

Aubree had a great time this weekend at the Highlands Ranch Beer Festival.  Although it will be quite a few more years before she can drink and another year before Mommy can drink, we had a nice time walking around the park with Daddy!  It is nice to be in the sun and walk with Aubree in the stroller.  Then we went out to dinner with a group of friends.  I can't say it enough... we are so blessed to have such an amazing little girl.  Although, she has decided that she no longer likes bottles.  It doesn't matter how many types we try, or if they have formula or breast milk in them... she won't take them.  That just means more trips for Mommy and Baby to the car so she can eat and timing our outings around her feedings.  If that is our biggest problem, I will be so happy.

Also, Aubree slept for 6 hours in a row this week!  She only did it once, but it is exciting that we are getting more sleep.  She is sleeping 4-5 hours for the first stretch of the night and then wakes up again every 2-3 hours.  I can't wait until she sleeps through the night.

We went to Aubree's 2 month check-up today.  She is doing great!  She is 21.5 inches (17th percentile) and 19 lb 15.25 oz (24th percentile).  She didn't quite make it to 10 pounds.  She also had 5 vaccines!  Talk about breaking Mommy's heart.  I have never been so sad in my life, hearing my baby cry after all of those shots.  But, I know that those few minutes of shots will keep her so much more healthy and I know that it was totally worth it... just hard to do.

Miss A was not very happy when we got home from the doctor.
Poor girl had 4 bandaids on her tiny little legs.

This week we are looking forward to celebrating Daddy's first Father's Day.  I am not quite sure what we are doing yet, but I am sure Aubree will think of something amazing ;)  Also, Dan and I will celebrate our 1 year anniversary!  I can't believe what a crazy year it has been but we couldn't be happier!

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