Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Aubree is 9 weeks

What a week!  Some nights Aubree stays awake fussy until after midnight and some nights Aubree sleeps great.  She is an amazing little girl and I am so thankful for her every day... no sleep or lots of sleep.

Aubree celebrated her daddy's first Father's Day.  We had a great day!  I think she likes cuddling on the couch and watching movies as much as Mommy and Daddy.  We also spent some time outside on our new patio set.  We can't wait to BBQ and play our new cornhole game soon.  We are certainly loving summer and the nice weather!

Hanging out with Daddy

Love cuddling with Mommy and Daddy

Aubree is looking at people and objects so much more.  She seems to really like her mobile in her crib and her panda rattle (future sorority girl, maybe :) ).  She is smiling so much and I think she may have even started to giggle this week.

I loved all of her 9 week pics and I couldn't decide...  :)

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