Friday, June 7, 2013

Aubree is 7 weeks

I think is is official... Our baby is no longer a newborn.  She is finally outgrowing her newborn clothes and we are almost ready for size 1 diapers.  I think next week she will exclusively be in 0-3 month clothes and size 1s.  I can't believe how big she is getting.

We had a busy weekend.  We spent Sunday morning with Grandma Pat, afternoon with Grandma Ruby, a graduation party for my cousin, and finished the day celebrating Pam's birthday!  Aubree did great.  She was definitely ready to come home by the end of the night though.

We sent out Aubree's birth announcements this week too!  I LOVE them!  


Aubree enjoyed spending time in the crib while Mommy did laundry this week.  We are so blessed to have such a happy baby!  She is very awake these days and spends most of the day very alert.

I can't get over my cravings for Dairy Queen.  It is worse than when I was pregnant.  I am pretty sure that while I am breastfeeding I could live off of Dairy Queen and ice water with a straw.  Aubree celebrated her Daddy telling us we could go get our ice cream fix!  

But I do eat fairly healthy of course... I also made lactation cookies this week.  They do NOT taste like cookies but they are super healthy and packed with flax, oats, and brewer's yeast. 

It seems that one of only ways to get Aubree to nap during the day (besides holding her and rocking her) is her swing.  She loves it!  And so do I, especially when I have things to do :)

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