Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Aubree is 12 weeks

Little Aubree had a rough start to the week.  She went to the doctor on Wednesday because we thought she had an ear infection.  Our little girl was diagnosed with reflux.  I feel terrible.  I know how much it hurts and I hope that her medicine will make her feel better.  I can't stand when Aubree is sad or in pain.  All I want is for her to be happy and healthy.

Her medicine seems to be helping though.  It is so good to see her happy again!

Playing with Daddy

We also celebrated the 4th of July!  Fireworks and all!  We spent the day playing yard games and hanging out with friends.  Aubree stayed awake ALL day!  She is our social butterfly and wouldn't nap at all.  (Well, I convinced rocked her to sleep for a few minutes throughout the day)  She wanted to be awake for all the action.  She stayed awake just long enough to see a few fireworks before we put her in her carseat and took her home.

She had a minor explosion and had to change clothes halfway through the day.  I am so excited for next year when she is able to watch sparklers and actually enjoy watching the fireworks.

Aubree also went car shopping with Mommy and Daddy.  My little blue mustang convertabe doesn't exactly fit in with all of the SUVs and minivans at the pediatricians office.  We are in the market for a mom car!  All the test driving and waiting to talk about prices wore her out.

Aside from the reflux, Aubree had a great week.  She is getting so big.  She is already 11 pounds and getting so tall.  I love this little girl more than anything.  She is such a good baby and knows exactly how to make us smile.  One little giggle from this tiny person and we lose it.  She is adorable when she the tv catches her eye and she watches tv with us or when she wiggles in her sleep and wakes up in a weird position.

She is also playing a lot more!  She loves her rattle.  She hit her rattle the whole way home from dinner with Grandma and Grandpa.

Go Rockies!  

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