Friday, July 19, 2013

Aubree is 13 weeks

So, I thought this would be the week that I could say, "Aubree had an uneventful, stress-free week."  We have not had one of those weeks in about 2 years and I was really looking forward to it.  Oh well.  Maybe next week?!?! (Haha.  Yeah, right.)

Oh well!  Happy 13 weeks (and 3 months) to my baby girl!

Aubree had a busy week again this week.  We started out the week at the doctor again... Poor girl.  We changed her medicine from Zantac to Prevacid.  Now Baby is on the same medicine as Mommy.  She seems to be doing well on it, but then again, I said that last week so let's keep our fingers crossed this week.

We are also getting into making breakfast as a family again.  And I am learning that it wouldn't hurt me to take some cooking lessons (I think I know what I'll be getting for my birthday next year.)  After altering the initial batter twice, I think the end result was pretty good.  We used this recipe... but I clearly did something wrong because our pancakes do NOT look like theirs.

Aubree and I also helped Grandma and Grandpa pick out tile for their bathroom remodel.  We got tired by the end so had to take a little break.

Aubree also got to sit in Grandma and Grandpa's highchair for the first time this week!  I think she LOVED it!  She is such a social butterfly and loves sitting on my lap during meals.  But now, she gets to be a big girl and sit in her own chair.  She had the biggest smile the whole time.  I am also excited that she likes it because I can get more work done during the day.  

We enjoyed a lot of family time this week.  One of my favorite things is watching movies and just spending time as a family.  Aubree seems to like it too, but I think we tire her out.

Aubree also ended the car shopping process because we decided on and actually bought a car.  (Goodbye, little blue Mustang convertible... Hello, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Ramen for the next 5 years.)   Just kidding, but really... now we live in the world of car payments.  I think it will be worth it though.  I feel much safer driving Aubree around in a car that won't slide in the snow... or rain.  She seems to like it too because we can put a mirror on the seat so she has something to watch while we drive.  I am so excited about it!

Aubree has started to wiggle herself sideways in her bassinet... Every. Single. Night.  It wouldn't be so bad, but she is growing taller everyday and almost doesn't fit in the bassinet regular-ways, let alone sideways.  Then, she wakes up pissed because she can't kick her feet.  She is such a goof.  I love this little girl sooo much!  she is starting to develop her own little personality and it is so fun to watch her change.

And... just for fun, we camouflaged Miss A in her crib this week.  Can you see her?  ;)

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