Saturday, March 1, 2014

10 months

Age: 10 months... whoa! double digits...where did my baby go?
Height: 26.25 inches (8th percentile)
Weight:  About 15 pounds
Head Circumference: Hard to measure... Her next appointment is at 12 months
Clothes: Mostly 9 month clothes.  12 months is definitely too big but she can still wear a few of her 6 month faves.
Diaper Size: Still size 2.  We are considering cloth diapers, so I don't know how that size would work.
Things she loves: Standing!  She loves being independent and going where she wants to go.  She still loves playing and is getting much better.  She can hit the buttons on her Ball Elephant, hit her xylophone with the stick, and she loves taking things out of boxes.  She also loves drinking from a straw.  She loves playing with us and the dogs.  
Things she hates: Still being alone and sleeping, mostly.  We can add Mommy's showers to things she hates.  She Stands on the door and hits it with her hand until I get out.
Milestones:  Standing!  She pulls her self up on everything!  EVERYTHING.  
Teething: Officially 5 teeth!  She has another on the bottom and is getting 3 more... Poor girl.
Sleeping: I get sad every time I come to this question...lets just leave it at not good.  Maybe one day she will start to sleep longer than 5 hours.
Eating: Loving eating!  She is getting much more independent and will eat pretty much anything.  She seems to love pasta and bread the most.  
Looking forward to: I can't wait to take more pictures of her!  I am so excited to practice using my camera and getting some good pictures.  I am also excited t start planning her birthday parties!  I am also ready for her to be able to walk.  She went from crawling to standing so fast and I will worry so much less when she is a little more stable and able to walk and not crawl while rubbing her little knees until they are red.

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