Friday, March 14, 2014

Just another week

All of our weeks seem so be flying by these days.  Between Spring cleaning (which is going to turn into Summer cleaning as well), working, and chasing around the baby-turning-toddler, we barely have time to breath, let alone relax.  I am cherishing every moment though.  My sweet baby is growing before my eyes and I am loving every minute of little-miss-personality.

 I am also working on my photography skills.  I love it so much and can't wait to get better!

Aubree is slowly making friends with the dogs.  They still don't quite understand her yet.

Aubree has also been helping me A LOT with work.  She seems to think that my papers belong on the floor... and on her head.

She also likes to help do laundry by taking it out of the basket and putting it onto the floor.  What a good little helper.

In the midst of all of our cleaning and organizing, we have made many, many trips to the store.  Aubree got to sit on a stool and watch Brave at IKEA.  (Yes, my baby can sit on a stool, when did that happen?)

 We also stopped for an Icee break at American Furniture.  

And what else would you do at a furniture store but stop to take a picture with the lions.  Totally normal, right?

...and drink more of Mommy's Icee when she isn't looking.

The weather is anything but predictable around here so when it is nice, we take every chance we get to enjoy it.  Aubree loves watching the dogs play outside and she has learned how to get out on her own.

Most importantly, her hair is long enough for a barrette!  I have not been this excited since we brought her home!

Poor girl has also got a few more teeth.  She got 3 all at once so she has 7 now!

I have to admit, Baby cuddles are the best thing in the entire world.  Nothing beats them.  The only thing that might be cuter is a baby cuddle AND a puppy cuddle at the same time.

We have also been going to church, which we love.  Aubree loves it too.  She loves to watch the other babies and crawl to the window to watch people walk by.

And just for fun, my little grump fish wears her crown and chews on hair ties.

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