Friday, March 14, 2014

Busy... Busy... Busy...

Things have been pretty crazy around here lately.  Aubree is getting so much older and stronger.

We officially have a crawler AND a climber (and a master escape artist) so it is a bit more difficult to relax.  We have all been super busy as well.

Here is a quick look at what we've been up to lately....

I have been taking photography classes so I can take better pictures of our baby before she is no longer a baby.  I LOVE it!  I am having so much fun, I just wish my model wanted to sit still for longer than 2.5 seconds.

 I think I am getting pretty comfortable with photoshop.  So now I have to convince Dan to take me to the beach so I can edit people out of our pictures :)

We got a new computer!  Dan got me a computer for Christmas (and my birthday... and every holiday for the next 3 years...) We stopped for a quick lunch and Aubree had a great time flirting with the two year old at the next table.  She is trouble.

Aubree has been playing with all of her Christmas toys!

...and her favorite things, which are not toys... keys, bags, dogs...

We celebrated my birthday at Aubree's 9 month checkup.  She does not like the doctor very much and neither do I.

But I do love the cuddles afterwards.

I just love Baby cuddles!

Aubree has been teething!  She officially has her two front teeth, bottom 3 teeth and is working on a few others.

She is growing up so fast!  She can eat a pouch all by herself and is holding her own sippy cups.  She is even learning how to hold them up to get water.

Our boys may not love Aubree but they are learning quickly...

Finally, our little crawler has become a climber.  She can pull herself up on all of her toys... and her crib.

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