Friday, March 14, 2014

11 months

Age: 11 months!  I can't believe that we will have a ONE YEAR OLD in a month!
Height: getting taller.  We will find out in a month.
Weight:   Just over 15 pounds.  She hasn't gained much weight but she is moving so much!
Head Circumference: getting bigger.  We will find out in a month.
Clothes:  Occasionally I will get sentimental and pull out a 6 month shirt that I can't pack up yet.  Otherwise she is mostly in 9 month everything.  12 months is just a bit too big.  I remind myself of that every time I forget to do laundry and have to put her in 12 month jammies that are about a mile too long.
Diaper Size: Still in a size 2.  Apparently I thought I would never go to the store again because I stocked up on a few hundred diapers from Sam's Club.  We are still considering cloth diapers but for now we are working our way through our size 2s.
Things she loves: everything, still.  Her new favorite is standing, pulling herself up, climbing over things, walking with her Sit to Stand Learning Walker.  
Things she hates: Aubree hates being left alone and being in her crib.  She also is a grouch when she is tired but hates sleeping so that is fun for me.  
Milestones:  She is finally starting to imitate us!  She makes a clicking noise with her tongue after we do.   She is also starting to stand on her own and walking with her toys.  I am 98.5% sure she is saying "Mom" and "Mama".  It could also be "More" when she is demanding food or water.  
Teething: She is stuck at 7 teeth.  She has 4 on top and 3 on the bottom.  The bottom right just won't pop through.
Sleeping: Depends on the night.  I have to knock on wood, but she occasionally sleeps 6-8 hours!  On the other hand sometimes she is up every 2-3 hours, but I prefer to look on the bright side.  It helps that we installed a blackout shade in her room so in looks like the dead of night at 8 am.  
Eating:  This kid will eat anything.  She LOVES pasta, especially tortellini.  She also loves drinking out of her straw cups.  She will eat anything that we eat and wants everything that we drink out of a straw.
Looking forward to: OUR BABY TURNING ONE!  I also can't wait to watch her walk for the first time and start talking.  Is it too soon to look forward to her being potty trained? :)

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