Tuesday, January 8, 2013

24 weeks

How far along? 24 Weeks-January 5
Baby is the size of a: an ear of corn
Total weight gain/loss: up 12 pounds this week
Maternity clothes? Definitely!  Still wearing sweats to work most days but squeezing the last few days out of my non-maternity shirts.
Stretch marks? None yet…
Sleep: Depends on the night… We spent a few nights in our new house this week, which led to very little sleep for me, and many, many bathroom breaks, which woke Dan up many, many times.  Word of advice… DO NOT go from a king bed back down to a full mattress on the floor!  Needless to say, we are back with our king bed until we can move it into our house this week.
Miss Anything? Nothing really this week… just sleep which I seem to be getting used to.
Movement: More and more every day!  I can’t tell you how much less I worry now that I can feel her all the time.
Food cravings: No real cravings unless you can count food, in general.   I have been so so so hungry all the time. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn… it hurts so bad in the middle of the night I actually feel nauseous.  No food though, that goodness.
The Bump: Still getting bigger everyday!
Gender: Baby P is a Girl!
Picking out a name: No names yet… I wish we did, I can’t wait to put her name above her crib in the nursery.
Labor Signs: N/A
Belly Button in or out? In… hopefully it will stay this way for a while.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Best moment this week: Seeing our house getting closer to being done!  Also, painting the guest room and the nursery.  Shopping and lunch with the girls was also needed this week!  I didn’t realize how much I missed my friends and our date nights with Pam and BJ :)
Looking forward to:  Seeing our house completed and moving in!  Also, our 24 week appointment on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. YES! I made it on the blog!!! We miss our date night with you guys too. We are so excited to see you house and spend time with you both and baby P! Love you both!
    Pam and BJ
