Tuesday, January 29, 2013

27 weeks

How far along? 27 Weeks-January 26
Baby is the size of a: head of cauliflower
Total weight gain/loss: +18 pounds
Maternity clothes? For sure.  My sweaters are starting to get too short, so in a few weeks it will only be maternity clothes.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Depends on the night. I have been waking up pretty early though.  I am thankful to have a dog that would stay in bed all day if I let him. Then I don’t have to get up to let him out right away if I decide to stay in bed for a while.
Miss Anything? Not getting tired after walking up the stairs… and being tired after noon everyday.  I also miss not having mood swings, being able to bend over to pick things up, and not forgetting everything, it makes me feel so unorganized. 
Movement: All the time!  I love it!
Food cravings: Nothing this week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still just heartburn… It makes me so sick!  Especially late at night.
The Bump: Still getting bigger and bigger everyday!  Literally, Every. Single. Day.
Gender: Girl!
Picking out a name: Still in discussion.  We have been so busy lately it is hard to find time to talk about it. 
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Mostly happy.  I get really tired and grouchy, but otherwise mostly happy.
Best moment this week:  Celebrating a special kind of anniversary for Dan and me today.  I love him so much and can’t believe all that we have been through recently.  The last 3 years have been absolutely crazy and I can’t wait to settle down and just be a family again.  Looking back makes me so, so thankful for everything that I have been blessed with and everyone that we have to support us.  Also, taking maternity pictures with Shaula was a ton of fun.  I can’t wait to see them!  Also, we are making a ton of progress on the house, which is so exciting.
Looking forward to: More progress on the house and not having to say “we are still moving in”.  I love crossing things off of lists and I have so many lists right now.  I am also so excited to decorate everything.  

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