Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Aubree is 10 weeks

Aubree had a great week!  She is definitely smiling and attempting to giggle.  It makes my heart melt.  Today she was staring me down with the mean lip and when I did it back to her, she smiled.  Then we spent the next 5 minutes smiling and giggling back and forth.  I love her so much!  She is definitely becoming a little person.  I am so excited for her to keep learning and getting stronger.

Aubree also had a great time hanging out with some friends this weekend.  Dan enjoyed using his grill for the first time (and everyday since then... maybe this vegetarian should have thought his Father's Day present through a little more.)  Haha!  Aubree even made some friends that are closer to her age.  I can't wait until she can play with her friends and we can relax and use their play dates as an excuse to hang out with our friends.

Aubree is growing so fast!  She is already trying to talk making noises, but I think it is adorable!

This week, Aubree used her bouncer for the first time!  She isn't really big enough for it yet, but she can hold her head up so I decided that she could use it when I watched her.  Her tiny legs don't reach the ground so we put a box under it and she does great!  She loves the music and tries to dance.  She loves watching all of the colors and movement.  She smiles so much when she is in it.

Aubree loves laying in bed with Mommy and Daddy.  Well, really doing anything with Mommy and Daddy.

Taking over Mommy's pillow
Making silly faces with Mommy

Dan and I have been trying a new restaurant every week.  Aubree loves sitting at the table on our laps or on the table.  She just likes to be part of the conversation and hates sitting in her carseat when there are things going on around her.  She is our social butterfly already.  She fell asleep at Luigi's though.  She fought it, but eventually gave in because Mommy was holding her.

Sleeping at Luigi's Italian Restaurant
Aubree hates pacifiers!  I am glad that I have them though because there have been a few nights that I will try anything.  I am glad that I was able to try them to know that they will not work.  Our first baby, Amp, loves them though... He thinks that they are delicious.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Aubree is 9 weeks

What a week!  Some nights Aubree stays awake fussy until after midnight and some nights Aubree sleeps great.  She is an amazing little girl and I am so thankful for her every day... no sleep or lots of sleep.

Aubree celebrated her daddy's first Father's Day.  We had a great day!  I think she likes cuddling on the couch and watching movies as much as Mommy and Daddy.  We also spent some time outside on our new patio set.  We can't wait to BBQ and play our new cornhole game soon.  We are certainly loving summer and the nice weather!

Hanging out with Daddy

Love cuddling with Mommy and Daddy

Aubree is looking at people and objects so much more.  She seems to really like her mobile in her crib and her panda rattle (future sorority girl, maybe :) ).  She is smiling so much and I think she may have even started to giggle this week.

I loved all of her 9 week pics and I couldn't decide...  :)

2 months!

June 16, 2013
I know I say it all the time, but I can't believe how fast she is growing.  

Aubree is smiling so much!  It melts my heart every time and I can't help but smile.  She makes the most adorable faces, fussy and  happy.

Age: 2 months
Clothes: Officially out of newborn... Shen is wearing 0-3 months (some are still a little big though)
Things she loves: Eating, Sleeping on Mommy, Sitting up (with help), Being held, Trying to talk, Sitting on Mommy's lap at restaurants
Things she hates: Sleeping, Shots, Dogs barking, Waking up

Such a happy baby

Sleeping on Mommy
Trying out her new sleep sack... She kicks her feet out of the swaddle blanket so Mommy zipped them in!

Our 1st Anniversary

June 16, 2013

I can't believe that it has been a whole year since we got married!  What a year it has been...

One year ago, my girls spent the day getting our hair and makeup done while that boys spent the day ironing.  One year ago we were toasting and dancing and celebrating with all of our friends and family.

The past year has been a whirlwind!  It may have been changeling, but we have loved every minute of it.  We have spent the last year moving across the country, searching for and finding the perfect house, renovating that house, and having a baby! 

It seems like just yesterday that we spent every weekend driving 3 hours one way to see each other.  The past three years have flown by and through the good times and the bad, we love each other more than ever.  

I love him more than ever.  I love our family.  I love our life together.  I couldn't ask for anything more.  I love making breakfast on Sunday mornings, making dinner together, watching movies, and cuddling on the couch.  I love walking our dogs to the park, going out to dinner, hanging out with our friends, and reminiscing about all of our great memories.  I can't wait to make a lifetime of memories and to share them with Aubree.  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

June 16, 2013

Each and every day that passes I am reminded how lucky we are to be parents.  Aubree gets bigger and smarter everyday and I absolutely love watching her grow!  I can not believe that she is two months old today!

Happy Father's Day!  

To my Dad.  You are the most helpful, caring, and generous man that I know.  I am so lucky to have you as my dad and Aubree is the luckiest girl in the world to be able to call you Grandpa!

Aubree smiles so much when Grandpa Jim holds her.  She loves him so much!

And to my Husband.  Happy 1st Father's Day!  You are not only an amazing husband, but a great dad. We are two lucky ladies and very blessed to have you in our lives.  You work crazy, long hours to support us and you will never know how much we appreciate all you do for us.  To the man that is always willing to pick up dinner when I am not in the mood to cook (which is almost everyday), the man who puts up with our shopping addiction, Dairy Queen addiction, and crafting addiction, AND who loves us unconditionally.  

I can't speak for Dan, but I think it is safe to say that we had a great Father's Day.  Yesterday we went shopping for Dan's present from Aubree.  (We got him a grill and I was not about to pick it out...)  We went to Target and picked it out.  We then learned that everything on display was 30% off.  Needless to say, we walked out with a patio table with chairs, 2 rocking chairs to match the patio set, an umbrella for the deck, AND the grill.  (And a cart full of things because you can't leave Target without a million things.)  

I also made Dan a beer cake.  Baby A picked out the candy and Mommy picked out the beer for Daddy.  He also got cards from me, Aubree, and our boys, Amp and Jenkins.  And with a little (ok, A LOT) of help from my dad we made Dan a Cornhole game.  We can't wait for have friends over for a BBQ!  Now it will be complete with yard games.

Dan is one lucky guy... he got to wake up to Aubree needing a bath.  After we got her clean and changed we watched movies while we ate Panera and Dairy Queen.  I absolutely love watching movies as a family.  We have to get in all of the adult movies while we can because before we know it, it will only be Disney and kid movies.  Good thing we both enjoy cartoons.  Dan put his grill together and then had to get ready for work.  

Grilling in the living room?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Aubree is 8 weeks

What a crazy week... but then, I guess every week is crazy these days.

Aubree had a great time this weekend at the Highlands Ranch Beer Festival.  Although it will be quite a few more years before she can drink and another year before Mommy can drink, we had a nice time walking around the park with Daddy!  It is nice to be in the sun and walk with Aubree in the stroller.  Then we went out to dinner with a group of friends.  I can't say it enough... we are so blessed to have such an amazing little girl.  Although, she has decided that she no longer likes bottles.  It doesn't matter how many types we try, or if they have formula or breast milk in them... she won't take them.  That just means more trips for Mommy and Baby to the car so she can eat and timing our outings around her feedings.  If that is our biggest problem, I will be so happy.

Also, Aubree slept for 6 hours in a row this week!  She only did it once, but it is exciting that we are getting more sleep.  She is sleeping 4-5 hours for the first stretch of the night and then wakes up again every 2-3 hours.  I can't wait until she sleeps through the night.

We went to Aubree's 2 month check-up today.  She is doing great!  She is 21.5 inches (17th percentile) and 19 lb 15.25 oz (24th percentile).  She didn't quite make it to 10 pounds.  She also had 5 vaccines!  Talk about breaking Mommy's heart.  I have never been so sad in my life, hearing my baby cry after all of those shots.  But, I know that those few minutes of shots will keep her so much more healthy and I know that it was totally worth it... just hard to do.

Miss A was not very happy when we got home from the doctor.
Poor girl had 4 bandaids on her tiny little legs.

This week we are looking forward to celebrating Daddy's first Father's Day.  I am not quite sure what we are doing yet, but I am sure Aubree will think of something amazing ;)  Also, Dan and I will celebrate our 1 year anniversary!  I can't believe what a crazy year it has been but we couldn't be happier!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Aubree is 7 weeks

I think is is official... Our baby is no longer a newborn.  She is finally outgrowing her newborn clothes and we are almost ready for size 1 diapers.  I think next week she will exclusively be in 0-3 month clothes and size 1s.  I can't believe how big she is getting.

We had a busy weekend.  We spent Sunday morning with Grandma Pat, afternoon with Grandma Ruby, a graduation party for my cousin, and finished the day celebrating Pam's birthday!  Aubree did great.  She was definitely ready to come home by the end of the night though.

We sent out Aubree's birth announcements this week too!  I LOVE them!  


Aubree enjoyed spending time in the crib while Mommy did laundry this week.  We are so blessed to have such a happy baby!  She is very awake these days and spends most of the day very alert.

I can't get over my cravings for Dairy Queen.  It is worse than when I was pregnant.  I am pretty sure that while I am breastfeeding I could live off of Dairy Queen and ice water with a straw.  Aubree celebrated her Daddy telling us we could go get our ice cream fix!  

But I do eat fairly healthy of course... I also made lactation cookies this week.  They do NOT taste like cookies but they are super healthy and packed with flax, oats, and brewer's yeast. 

It seems that one of only ways to get Aubree to nap during the day (besides holding her and rocking her) is her swing.  She loves it!  And so do I, especially when I have things to do :)

Aubree is 6 weeks

I can't believe our baby is 6 weeks old!  She is so amazing and gets more beautiful everyday.  

It has been a busy week.  Aubree even went to the spa with Grandma and Me!

Just hanging out being cute!

Enjoying crib time again.