Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Aubree is 19 months!

Age: 19 months - November 16
Clothes:  18 months, officially.  I actually packed up the 6 and 9 moth stuff that was still hanging around her closet.  It was the first time I didn't cry packing up her clothes.  Maybe because I know I will get to unpack it a year from now :)
Diaper Size: Size 3
Things she loves: Elmo or as A says, "Elm" or "Elmom".  She loves the iPad, but gets so mad when she can't figure it out.  We don't have cable anymore so we watch most of our tv on the computer.  Now, whenever she sees the computer she points and says, "Bubble, Bubble!" She loves to watch Bubble Guppies.  She also loves Amp more than anything... hugging him, chasing him, kissing him... he does not love her as much.
Things she hates: Not getting her way... tantrums are in full swing, so we are doing our best to stop that.  
Milestones:  throwing things... i really with this was NOT a milestone... but she has it mastered.  Pointing at things when I ask her to, picking out objects when asked.  Scribbling with anything that will write,:pens, crayons, markers, highlighters (on anything that is flat: paper, chalkboards, tables, walls).  Feeding her dolls.  Naming body parts (eyes, head, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, boobies, we are working on toes and hands).  Imitating me by doing dishes, moving laundry into different baskets, blowing her nose, throwing things away... she is my little mini me.  
Talking:  So many words!  She can say almost anything these days... good and bad so we have to watch ourselves carefully now.  A few of my favorite new words are cracker, elf, owl, and I Love.  She is also signing juice now.
Teething: 16!  All 4 K-9s have popped through... that was a rough week.  Now they only bother her once in a while.  She chews on things so I am worried her next molars are coming through but she won't let me see.
Sleeping: Still depends on the day.  She can fall asleep on her own for bedtime and her nap at 1:00.  She sleeps with a toy (usually her pink bear) and a blanket.  I am looking into getting her a pillow and bed set but first I have to convince Dan that we need to buy it.  She rarely wakes in the middle of the night and sleeps around 12 hours.  Her nap can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours. 
Eating:  Everything.  She will eat almost anything if we feed it to her as long as she is hungry.  She is still not a huge fan of pizza.  She does love cheese, yogurt, mac and cheese, potatoes of all kinds, and popsicles.
Looking forward to: The holidays!  She found her Elf on the Shelf in her closet and is obsessed with it. She always asks for "Elf".  I haven't convinced her that he looses his magic when she touches him.  Oh well, maybe next year.  I can't wait to watch her destroy the tinsel and take all the ornaments off the tree. I am excited to see if she will leave her presents alone or if she will try to get into them.  I love buying her presents and looking forward to her ripping them open.  Holidays really are so much better with a kid and I can't wait to see how excited she gets.

Friday, November 14, 2014

23 weeks - Baby 2

How far along? 23 Weeks – November 13
Baby is the size of a: A mango… Baby weighs more than 1 pound!
Total weight gain/loss: still up 10 pounds
Maternity clothes? Definitely.  I am trying to pull off some pre-preggo t-shirts but I may have to move to Dan's side of the closet pretty soon.  
Stretch marks? Yup.  No new ones that I can tell just yet, just making the old ones worse again.
Sleep: I've been sleeping great until about 3 am.  Most nights I wake up dying of heat, or thirst, or having to pee, or heartburn.  It's getting rough.    
Miss Anything? Sleep.  Waking up before Aubree... I am just so tired I wake up with her most days and then I miss my opportunity for a shower.  
Movement: So much!  I freak myself out because she doesn't move much during the day so I worry myself crazy.  By the end of the night, she is doing gymnastics in there and I wonder why I put myself through all that.  Still loving every minute though. 
Food cravings: Had a craving for Cold Stone this week.  Awesome, because it has been below freezing most days.  Nothing new though, so that's good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything slimy... spit in the sink, slobber in a dog bowl, things like that.  
The Bump: still getting bigger.
Gender: Girl!
Picking out a name:  I finally wrote down a list of names so we could talk about them.  It's not as long as I thought it would be, but still not any closer to picking it out.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Telling People: I think everyone knows now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy.  We were super busy with work this week so I felt a little overwhelmed, pair that with pregnancy hormones and I am surprised Dan hasn't found a job that travels yet. :) Just kidding, but really, I have been a wreck lately and I am so thankful that he puts up with me.
Best moment this week: We didn't do a ton this week.  The best part we probably watching Dan with Aubree.  I worked so much so he was in charge of her most of the day, including bath time.  We also got to SEE Baby Girl move this week.  It's so crazy watching my belly move, knowing that our little baby is wiggling in there.  I am so excited to hold her and hug her.  It also snowed this week!  It makes me feel so festive... until I have to go out in it...
Looking forward to: I am getting anxious for the holidays.  I look back at the blog when I was pregnant with Aubree and 23 weeks was New Years.  I am getting excited for Christmas and decorating.  I am also excited to talk about names, nursery ideas, and what life will be like with 2 kids!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

22 weeks - Baby 2

How far along? 22 Weeks – November 6
Baby is the size of a: A spaghetti squash… Baby weighs 1 pound!
Total weight gain/loss: up 10 pounds
Maternity clothes? More and more each week.  I live in sweats but jeans when I go out.  Definitely maternity shirts though.  Even the sweaters that fit me when I was 30 weeks pregnant with Aubree do not fit me now.  Thank goodness for maternity tank tops. 
Stretch marks? Finally got some Bio Oil.  It seems to be helping but I think they are inevitable this time.
Sleep: Still super tired by the end of the day but my heartburn has been really bad.  So once I can get to sleep, its great until 3 am.  
Miss Anything? I really wanted to eat some brownie batter that other day.  And some Rio margaritas sound pretty amazing, but I don't miss too many other things.  I do however miss having energy and the ability to make it through the day with out napping.  (Because even though I need a nap, Aubree will not allow it.)
Movement: Yes!  So much!  I am loving feeling her so much, although it is mostly when I am trying to sleep.  
Food cravings: Besides brownie batter, nothing new.  Still haven't had any Krispy Kreme so I always want that.  And oranges and orange juice always sounds good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn.  It's bad.  The only other thing that I haven't mentioned yet is slimy things... I make Dan clean the bathrooms because I can't handle it.  Toothpaste in the sink is the worst thing right now.  Yuck.  Also a few of Aubree's diapers.  
The Bump: Yep... I feel like I look 30 weeks pregnant right now.
Gender: Girl!
Picking out a name:  Still making the list but we haven't crossed anything off yet so it just keeps growing.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  
Telling People: We finally announced it on Facebook!  I am so glad that now EVERYONE knows and I don't have to hide anything anymore!
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy.  Besides feeling worn out all the time, I couldn't be happier.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Halloween with Aubree.  She is so much fun and personality these days.  I can't wait to have 2 little monsters to dress up!  Dan has been working a lot so some of my best moments are just spending time as a family, whether it is eating lunch together or watching Bubble Guppies on the computer with A.  I just love spending time together.  
Looking forward to: SO many things.  I with I could start on the Baby's room, but because we plan on moving soon after she is born, it seems silly to set everything up.  I am excited to pick out furniture and a theme though.  I am also excited for Dan and A to feel the baby.  It should be any day because she keeps kicking harder and harder.  I am getting so excited to the holidays!  It will be our last Christmas as a family of 3!  I love the holidays and can't wait to decorate and hang out with family.  

20 weeks - Baby 2

How far along? 20 Weeks – October 23
Baby is the size of a: A banana… Baby is 10 inches long and 11 ounces
Total weight gain/loss: 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? More and more each week.  I still live in sweats but definitely maternity jeans and tops when I go out.
Stretch marks? No new ones, but the old ones are still getting bigger.  Definitely need to invest in some Bio Oil.  
Sleep: Pretty good because I am so tired by the end of the day.  But rolling over has started to become an ordeal.  I wake to pee 3-4 times and struggle to get back to sleep.
Miss Anything? Not much this week.  I miss being able to keep up with Aubree... and bend over without almost getting stuck.  
Movement: Definitely, a little!  Little Girl loves to play as soon as I lay down to sleep.  She is definitely a mover and was rolling like crazy at our last ultrasound.
Food cravings: Nothing really new.  Once in a while I get a craving for Krispy Kreme.  And I have been obsesses with oranges the past few days, but nothing like last time.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Besides the heartburn that makes me so nauseous that I actually throw up, not much.  I definitely feel sick after I do a lot in a day.
The Bump: Definitely.  If we do this pregnancy thing again, I will definitely lose all the baby weight first.  I feel like starting our 30 pounds heavier was really hard.  I feel like I should be in the third trimester already and things are already starting to get difficult.
Gender: Still a girl.  I have to be honest, I didn't believe the first ultrasound.  I was convinced that it was a boy so I had to wait until 20 weeks to be sure.  Now I am confident.  I am so excited for Aubree to have a sister!
Picking out a name:  Now that I know for sure it's a girl I can really consider names.  We are so busy we probably won't have time to decide until we get to the hospital.  Haha.  We keep adding to the list though.  I think we have a middle name but we need to find a first to go with it.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  I am lucky when I remember to put on my fake ones though.  
Telling People:  I thought telling people would be easier this time around.  Nope, I was still just as nervous and anxious.  Most people had positive reactions which is the best feeling in the world.  I love how excited most people are for our family and it makes me feel so blessed to be surrounded by people that are so happy for us. At least there weren't any negative reactions this time around, but apparently no reaction can still be just as hurtful.  We have finally told all our family and most of our friends.  We are still waiting to post it on Facebook, but we will be doing it very soon!  
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy.  I feel so blessed to be having another girl and I am so lucky to have such an amazing, sweet, supportive family.  I love life and can't wait to hold our babe.  I also feel so blessed to have such a supportive husband that will do anything to make me happy... even if that means losing sleep to spend time with me while working a ridiculous night schedule.
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby at our 20 week ultrasound and feeling so much more movement.  I will never get tired of seeing or feeling her.  Also, we are trying to build a house!  We got put on the wait list to pick our lot so that is super exciting!  Since it's been a month since I updated... one of the best moments so far has been getting my double stroller as an early birthday present!  Thanks Mom and Dad!!! I LOVE it!  SO does Aubree and I am sure Baby will love it too!
Looking forward to: So many things!  Hearing about our house, Dan and Aubree getting to feel Baby, catching up on my to-do list.  

16 weeks - Baby 2

I should just do monthly updates on this pregnancy.  I have every intention to update and by the end of the day I am so tired and sick that all I can manage to do is get into bed, lucky if my face gets washed.  This could be a long few months.  It is all worth it though? right? ;)

How far along? 16 Weeks – September 25
Baby is the size of a: An avocado… Baby is 4.5 inches long
Total weight gain/loss: up 7 pounds.  I think that is the same as wen I was pregnant with Aubree.  Hopefully I won't gain the same amount as with A.
Maternity clothes? More maternity jeans and a few tops.  
Stretch marks? No new ones but the old ones are turning white again.  I need to invest in some Bio Oil soon.  
Sleep: Sleeping great!  I am so tired by the end of the day I am out as soon as I get into bed.  I do have to wake up to pee at 3am.  Sometimes I can't sleep after that which is hard but we are making it work.
Miss Anything? Cake batter and Drinking once in awhile.  We went to the Denver Oktoberfest this weekend which was fun... but it's not as much fun when you can't have a drink while everyone else is on drink #4.  It was also a lot of walking which is getting tougher these days.
Movement: Maybe a little.  I am pretty sure I can feel Baby at night when I am trying to sleep.  I can't wait to actually feel Baby move.  It is my favorite part of pregnancy.
Food cravings: Tomato soup and goldfish crackers.  It's a good thing I have a toddler that will give me her snacks :)  Mostly still sweets... things like fruit and candy.  Nothing major this time though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really.  The heartburn is pretty killer which makes me sick.
The Bump: yep.  I never got rid of my bump from Aubree but it is definitely showing these days.
Gender: GIRL! I actually thought it was a boy the in the beginning.  I got a really strong boy feeling but all of my symptoms pointed to girl, so I was really confused.  Everyone else thought boy as well.  Every person that we talked to guessed boy so we were all a little surprised.  I think everyone expected to see BOY show up on the ultrasound so we were all shocked when we saw GIRL.  We are very happy that baby is healthy and we are so excited that Aubree will have a sister.  I am still not really sure I believe it though.  Haha.
Picking out a name:  Our list is pretty long... We had our boy named picked out for sure, but our girl list gets longer every day.  We are much busier this pregnancy so I feel like we don't even have time to talk about names.  
Labor Signs: Nope, thank goodness.  Lets hope we get 24 more weeks of this!  I did have a lot of swelling the past few weeks, so I am going to take it easy and not over do it this time.  We are still hoping to go 4 days past our due date... Let's hope for a 16th baby!  We'll see if I still feel that way in 3 months though.
Belly Button in or out? In.  I am not expecting any other answers.  It stayed in the whole time with Aubree.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  They have been off since day one.  I was in the process of losing my baby weight and getting my rings to fit again when we got pregnant.  I should have known because I am pretty sure that as soon as the egg implanted my fingers swelled up so much.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! and it's getting better.  I am super tired but I think I am so excited and loving life.
Best moment this week: finding out that baby P is a SHE! :) Also spending time with Dan at Oktoberfest was great. We hardly get alone time together so it is nice to get out and just be married again.
Looking forward to: Feeling more movements, our 16 week appointment, and getting Dan and Aubree to feel her.  As a family, I am so excited to get further in our house search!  We are considering buying another house and it is so fun talking about what it will be like so I am excited to get further in the process.

9 weeks round 2

We have finally announced it to everyone... We are having another baby!  I am so so so excited and can not wait to meet our newest addition.  I can not wait to see Aubree as a big sister and I can not wait to see how crazy our life is going to become.  Baby P Round 2 is due March 12, 2015!  2 kids under 2... eeks! What are we getting ourselves into ;)

Baby is the size of a: grape
Total weight gain/loss: down 1 from last week but starting out 30 heavier than I did with Aubree, so that's not so exciting.
Maternity clothes? Still wearing sweats and shorts most days but my jeans still fit!
Stretch marks? None yet, Let's hope it stays this way for awhile.  I have a feeling that the ones I got with Aubree with make their appearance much sooner this time.
Sleep: Good except waking up twice a night to pee.  I also bought a pregnancy pillow this time around, which helps a little.
Miss Anything? I miss my energy.  Being pregnant with a toddler is not the same as the first time.  I am so much more tired and it's getting hard to keep up with Miss Aubree.
Movement: None yet but I can't wait!
Food cravings: No cravings, not really aversions either which is nice but nothing sounds good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: life.
The Bump: Is it possible to start with a bump? I feel like the day we found out I was pregnant, I was bloated.
Picking out a name: We have some ideas, but it is hard to decide until we know the gender.
Labor Signs:  None.
Belly Button in or out? In.  It never popped with Aubree so I am pretty sure this time it will be the same.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. :(  It never fit right after I had Aubree so when I found out I was pregnant I just took them off and bought a cheap one that should fit for this whole pregnancy.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy. 
Best moment this week:  Finding out we are having another baby!  Although we found out the day after my missed period, I have a feeling these weekly updates might become every-few-week updates with a toddler.  We are still just telling everyone which is all the excitement we can handle at this point.
Looking forward to: Telling more people and just getting more and more excited!