Monday, December 31, 2012

23 weeks

How far along? 23 Weeks-December 29
Baby is the size of a: a mango
Total weight gain/loss: up 11 pounds
Maternity clothes? I STILL love my sweatpants :) Other than that, am wearing maternity jeans and a mixture of my old shirts with maternity shirts.
Stretch marks? Nope.  I am going to need to buy some more Burt’s Bees Tummy Butter soon though… It is pretty amazing.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good.  I am starting to get a little hip and side pain at night, but other than that, just waking up at 3 am.
Miss Anything? I made cupcakes the other day and wanted to eat some cake batter… but I resisted.  I am also missing the ability to stay awake all day… 6pm hits and I am ready for bed.  We’ll see how New Year’s Eve goes tomorrow (Dan may have to wake me up for midnight).
Movement: Definitely feeling her more.  Usually it is after I eat or lay down to go to sleep.  It is kind of a weird feeling but so exciting.
Food cravings: Nothing really this week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing, thank goodness.
The Bump: Definitely still there and getting bigger and much more uncomfortable.  I actually felt like it was in the way when I was trying to tape plastic to the floor.  Haha.
Gender: Girl
Picking out a name: not quite yet
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Best moment this week: Christmas (Baby Girl got more presents than anyone else… but I am told it will be like that from now on J ) Also, we took down all the popcorn ceilings in our house and we are hiring someone to retexture them… We are so close to being able to move in and set up!
Looking forward to:  Moving into our house and finishing up all of the projects.  NEW YEARS EVE, which means it will be the year our baby girl is born!    

22 weeks

How far along? 22 Weeks-December 22
Baby is the size of a: papaya
Total weight gain/loss: + 10 pounds
Maternity clothes? I love my sweatpants :) Other than that, am still just wearing maternity jeans and a mixture of my old shirts with maternity shirts.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Still sleeping great until 3 am… then I don’t sleep much.
Miss Anything? Just the usual… I have given in to a couple Pepsi’s throughout the week.  
Movement: More and more every day. 
Food cravings: Dreaming about food is killer…
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing!
The Bump: Definitely still there and getting bigger (daily, it feels like)
Gender: Girl
Picking out a name: not 100% yet.  We are still making lists and getting ideas.
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happier than I've ever been in my entire life!!
Best moment this week: CLOSING ON OUR HOUSE!!!  Knowing that we have a home J 
Looking forward to:  Moving into our house!  AND Christmas is coming up!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

21 weeks

I love Christmas Cards!  Here is the picture that we are using for our cards this year.

How far along? 21 Weeks-December 15
Baby is the size of a: spaghetti squash
Total weight gain/loss: still at 8 pounds (134 to 142)
Symptoms: a little back pain and getting tired by 8 pm, nothing major.
Maternity clothes? I love my sweatpants :) Other than that, am wearing maternity jeans and a mixture of my old shirts with maternity shirts.
Stretch marks? No, thank goodness.  Let’s hope this keeps up.
Sleep: Still sleeping great until 3 am… then I don’t sleep much.
Miss Anything? Just the usual… I have given in to a couple Pepsi’s throughout the week.  
Movement: I am almost sure I can feel her now.  It is such a cool feeling. 
Food cravings: Taco Bell once this week, and I can only drink milk from Sam’s Club now.  But no strong cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing!
The Bump: Definitely still there and getting bigger (daily, it feels like)
Gender: Girl
Picking out a name: we have our top 3 names… but no middle names yet.  Still not ready to commit.
Labor Signs: No, hopefully this will continue to stay no for 19 more weeks.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier than I've ever been in my entire life!!
Best moment this week: Getting closer to getting a house.  Our realtor is confident that it will happen this Friday!  And we sent out our Christmas cards this week.  We also got to see our baby girl at our ultrasound!  I love seeing her move around.  She is pretty stubborn though… She was lying on her stomach and would not roll to her back.  She rolled over half an hour later though.
Looking forward to:  OUR HOUSE!!! and setting up her room!  We got the changing pad and I am so excited to pick out paint!  (Even if the doctor told me that I could not paint…  I will be doing lots of the set up.)  Also, Christmas is coming up!  I love the holidays so much!

20 weeks

How far along? 20 Weeks-December 8
Baby is the size of a: banana
Total weight gain/loss: up to 8 pounds (134 to 142)
Symptoms: some round ligament and back pain, nothing too crazy though.
Maternity clothes? Wearing sweats most days and it is getting tough to find clothes to wear daily.  Good thing it is winter so I can switch to hoodies if I need too.
Stretch marks? No, thank goodness.  Let’s hope this keeps up.
Sleep: Still sleeping great until 3 am… getting sick of bathroom breaks & starting to get stiff from laying on my side
Miss Anything? Besides the usual… being able to stay awake and turning down friends to hang out because I am tired (the college me said that would never happen).  It will all be worth it though!  I also missed cookie dough this week… it tempted me, but I had more will power than the raw eggs (until they were cooked, then I gave in).  
Movement: Not sure if I can feel my baby girl yet.  It’s either Baby P wiggling around or a gas bubble.  Hopefully her kicks will get stronger soon and I will know for sure.  The anterior placenta is not helping.
Food cravings: Nothing crazy.  I am just so glad most of my aversions are gone. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of pizza once in a while.
The Bump: Definitely still there and getting bigger (daily, it feels like)
Gender: Girl
Picking out a name: we have our top 3 names… but no middle names yet.  Aubrey, Hailey, and Mackenzie… still getting mixed reviews.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier than I've ever been in my entire life!!
Best moment this week: What a week!  First, we are HALFWAY to meeting our little girl!  Nothing is more exciting than that.  Inspection on the house went better than expected, no major repairs to be done.  The 2nd bank approved!!!  Now all we have to do is wait to see if our loan guy can get us to close by December 28.  Then WE WILL HAVE A HOME!  Took a quilting class with my mom and had so much fun.  It made me so excited to do girly stuff with our tiny baby (pedicures, sewing classes, shopping).  Ordering Christmas cards to send out.  Also, our stroller came in.  I know it is a Christmas present, but I can’t wait to take a walk with it (Is that weird?)  But I want Amp to get used to walking with it before she comes.
Looking forward to:  Moving into our house!  Painting Baby Girl’s room (along with the list of projects we have come up with), Our 20 week ultrasound and seeing our baby again, and Christmas is coming up… I love Christmas!

19 weeks

How far along? 19 Weeks-December 1
Total weight gain/loss: Still at 141… up 7 pounds
Maternity clothes? Still just wearing sweats most days and maternity jeans when I have to go out in public haha.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleep is great most nights… until Dan wakes up for work
Best moment this week: Picking up Baby P’s crib, dresser, changing table, and glider was pretty exciting… now we just need our house to put them in.  Waiting to set them up is killing me.
Miss Anything? The usual… mostly sleeping through the night and having clothes to wear these days
Movement: not yet… I can’t wait to answer yes to this question though!
Food cravings: nothing in particular but my aversion to Taco Bell has disappeared so guess what I have had about three times this week… I felt like I was in college again. :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really, thank goodness.
Have you started to show yet: Yup!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to:  We have a lot to look forward to coming up… Our house inspection, setting a closing date, throwing Shaula’s baby shower this weekend, but mostly seeing our little girl at our 20 week ultrasound and setting up her room.  We are so close to halfway and I can not wait to hold her and bring her home.

18 weeks

How far along? 18 Weeks-November 24
Total weight gain/loss: still at 7 pounds gained - up from 134 to 141
Maternity clothes? I work from home, so my wardrobe consists of sweatpants, yoga pants, & maternity jeans when I have to go out in public.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still sleeping great until 3 am trip to the bathroom and the bizarre dreams
Best moment this week: Thanksgiving!  It is so nice to spend time with family and think about what our little girl’s first holidays will be like… Also, we ordered our Sweet Little One’s crib, dresser, changing table, and glider!  I can’t wait until we can set them up in her nursery! 
Miss Anything? Mostly not being tired after accomplishing little things. 
Movement: Maybe… not sure… but I can’t wait until I can say YES, for sure.
Food cravings: Qdoba and sweets… still.  Hot chocolate, blueberries, cherries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Got really sick this week after eating popcorn and Icees at the movie… but I haven’t felt queasy thinking about it though, probably just overdid it.
Have you started to show yet: My baby belly has officially surpassed my sophomore year beer belly.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My 20 week ultrasound, feeling Baby Girl move, and hearing more about our house.

17 weeks

How far along? 17 Weeks – November 17
Total weight gain/loss: still 7 pounds gained - up from 134 to 141
Maternity clothes? getting more and more maternity jeans and a few tops
Stretch marks? Nope.  Hopefully I won’t be changing this answer any time soon
Sleep: getting more uncomfortable, but only getting up once or twice to pee
Best moment this week: buying some maternity clothes and having dinner with Amber and Aaron and their two girls
Miss Anything? Starting to miss Bloody Marys now that I keep dreaming about them… Also, sleeping through the night is something I will never take for granted again. 
Movement: Felt some twitching in my left side while Dan and I were driving, but some people say it was just my muscles, I can’t wait to start feeling her move!
Food cravings: Qdoba, oreos, and sweets like oranges and fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: still pizza, and I have completely changed my order at taco bell
Have you started to show yet: yes.  I feel like nothing fits anymore
Gender: Girl! and so excited
Labor Signs: No (I will shit when I finally say yes to this question.. so nervous!!)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Feeling movement & finally being able to do some shopping!  Also, finding out about our house And Thanksgiving

16 weeks

Is Baby P a BOY or a GIRL?!?!  We had so much fun taking these pictures before our ultrasound.  

Little Baby Parberry is a GIRL!!! We were ready with both "It's a Girl" and "It's a Boy" balloon pics.

How far along? 16 Weeks – November 10
Total weight gain/loss: 7 pounds gained - up from 134 to 141
Maternity clothes? More maternity jeans and a few tops
Stretch marks? No, but using belly butter everyday
Sleep: Sleeping great until 3 am every night when I wake up to pee and can’t get back to sleep.
Best moment this week: finding out that baby P is a SHE! :)
Miss Anything? bloody marys… I have dreams I drink one and wake up feeling terrible.  Also feeling comfortable in my clothes
Movement: Feeling it just a little each day!
Food cravings: Fruits & sweets still ... jelly toast, sour jelly beans, hot tamales, and oranges
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still pizza and anytime I eat too much
Have you started to show yet: yep
Gender prediction: Girl.. and I was right! We are so excited!  Boy or girl, we would have been happy we are glad they are healthy and happy.  But, I am max excited to start buying dresses and headbands
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! and getting better now that I can take Zantac for heartburn and morning sickness is going away.
Looking forward to: Feeling movement & finally being able to do some shopping and registering!