Saturday, December 15, 2012

20 weeks

How far along? 20 Weeks-December 8
Baby is the size of a: banana
Total weight gain/loss: up to 8 pounds (134 to 142)
Symptoms: some round ligament and back pain, nothing too crazy though.
Maternity clothes? Wearing sweats most days and it is getting tough to find clothes to wear daily.  Good thing it is winter so I can switch to hoodies if I need too.
Stretch marks? No, thank goodness.  Let’s hope this keeps up.
Sleep: Still sleeping great until 3 am… getting sick of bathroom breaks & starting to get stiff from laying on my side
Miss Anything? Besides the usual… being able to stay awake and turning down friends to hang out because I am tired (the college me said that would never happen).  It will all be worth it though!  I also missed cookie dough this week… it tempted me, but I had more will power than the raw eggs (until they were cooked, then I gave in).  
Movement: Not sure if I can feel my baby girl yet.  It’s either Baby P wiggling around or a gas bubble.  Hopefully her kicks will get stronger soon and I will know for sure.  The anterior placenta is not helping.
Food cravings: Nothing crazy.  I am just so glad most of my aversions are gone. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of pizza once in a while.
The Bump: Definitely still there and getting bigger (daily, it feels like)
Gender: Girl
Picking out a name: we have our top 3 names… but no middle names yet.  Aubrey, Hailey, and Mackenzie… still getting mixed reviews.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier than I've ever been in my entire life!!
Best moment this week: What a week!  First, we are HALFWAY to meeting our little girl!  Nothing is more exciting than that.  Inspection on the house went better than expected, no major repairs to be done.  The 2nd bank approved!!!  Now all we have to do is wait to see if our loan guy can get us to close by December 28.  Then WE WILL HAVE A HOME!  Took a quilting class with my mom and had so much fun.  It made me so excited to do girly stuff with our tiny baby (pedicures, sewing classes, shopping).  Ordering Christmas cards to send out.  Also, our stroller came in.  I know it is a Christmas present, but I can’t wait to take a walk with it (Is that weird?)  But I want Amp to get used to walking with it before she comes.
Looking forward to:  Moving into our house!  Painting Baby Girl’s room (along with the list of projects we have come up with), Our 20 week ultrasound and seeing our baby again, and Christmas is coming up… I love Christmas!

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